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How to upgrade your HASP for the new ATENA version 5

If you are a current ATENA user with valid maintenance program, you can directly follow the instructions below. If your maintenance has expired, please contact us at cervenka@cervenka.cz for an upgrade quotation.
Using the ATENA Update Check utility, you can display and compare the ATENA maintenace end date written in your HASP key with the minimum required to run the current version.

Please understand that you need to update your hardware key to be able to use the new version. We recommend to do so before starting the installer. Please download the HASP Remote Upgrade utility http://www.cervenka.cz/assets/downloads/atena5/RUS_MDTKB.exe and follow the Remote Update Instructions for HASP Hardware Key http://www.cervenka.cz/assets/downloads/atena5/HASP_RU_Guide.pdf.

Basically, you extract + send us info about your HW key and we send you a file to upgrade your key for the new version. Please understand that old keys (HASP4 USB or Parallel) can not be upgraded and have to be exchanged - let us know if this is your case.

We recommend to uninstall ATENA v4 before installing v5. Please note that is it NOT possible to use ATENA versions 4 and 5 on one computer simultaneously. While it is possible to use ATENA Science 4 and 5 at the same time with a bit extra caution (problemtypes ATENA Static/Creep/Dynamic/Transport for v5,  ATENA v4 Static/Creep/Dynamic/Transport for the older version), you need to reinstall v4.3.1 to be able to use ATENA Engineering 2D/3D version 4 (which makes ATENA Engineering v5 stop working).

