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ATENA Comparison with other FE Software

Jun 21, 2016

It is not easy to compare ATENA with other finite element packages since all of them have their strength and weaknesses and often each software is targeting certain problem types, where it may be more powerful than the others. ATENA is specifically developed for advanced nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures. We strive to be the best in this area. It is usually much easier to perform an advanced nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete with ATENA than with the other software, and we are happy to see that our users are recognizing this effort.


Richard Malm - PhD Thesis, page 119, - Shear cracks in concrete structures subjected to in-plane stresses, November 2006, KTH Stockholm:

"One advantage using ATENA for the finite element analyses is that it calculates all material properties based on the cube strength with equations from Model Code 2010. Another great advantage with this program is that it is specially designed for concrete, which makes it easier for the user since good default values are given. The main advantage is that, even though the analyses described severe cracking, the program never had problems finding aconvergent solution. A novice user can rather easy create advanced models in ATENA."

Full PhD text can be downloaded from:
website (http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:11277)


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